Hoodie allen no interruption itunes downloadacc
Hoodie allen no interruption itunes downloadacc

hoodie allen no interruption itunes downloadacc

Social Interaction online has become has a key ingredient in the success of up-coming artists and Hoodie truly understood its importance well in advance. Hoodie is an artist who knows how important it is to grow/maintain your fanbase, encourage them to buy your music and go to your shows. I can tell you he did tirelessly everyday and so much that I lost count. thanking them for listening to his songs. When I first followed him on twitter he had 40,000 followers on twitter (now it is closer to half a million) looking through his timeline all you could see was him replying to various fans i.e. Hoodie Allen is the prime example of an artist who used social media to his advantage and promote his music. It does not necessarily have to be by the best singer or rapper, it just has to resonate with you. For example, during my A Level exams in the summer of 2012, I made a playlist on my iPod of songs to help me revise and in this was Push You Away and so listening to it over and over again made me get used to Hoodie’s voice/style thus encouraging me to listen more to this mixtape. Notable mentions go to: Song For An Actress, Can’t Hold Me Do & Flipping Out. A good body of music keeps you listening over and over again even when new music is forever being released. The stand-out thing for me on this mixtape is the catchy hooks, sampling and great production. Downloading Leap Year naturally followed (released in July 2011).

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The next song I listened to was The Chase Is On (on Leap Year) and it was a very upbeat rap track. For a relatively unknown artist, this song (and video) was bold and seemed like his “I’ve arrived” song. The first one I heard was No Interruption (on his All American EP) and I was really impressed by it. Intrigued by this I went through to Youtube and listened to a few tracks. Someone who I followed at the time was hyping because Hoodie had just followed their blog (a sign of the times perhaps?).

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I first heard of Hoodie Allen on tumblr in April 2012.

Hoodie allen no interruption itunes downloadacc